Newman Drama was officially started in 2014.
This humble company was created by the chirpy lady Siew Yong. After years of providing drama classes in the Klang Valley, she was more convinced that teaching drama is really what she is passionate and good at (apart from performing, of course). Thus together with John Newman they have created a brand for her drama classes – Newman Drama.
The objective of Newman Drama is simple. Newman Drama uses Drama Tools to enrich the learning and teaching experience for both Malaysian students and teachers. And by Malaysian, we mean, ALL who resides here. We premise our core value on holistic learning and teaching for students and teachers. Our students and teachers are equally our great assets. Our vision is to provide a platform not just for students to excel but also for teachers to expand their teaching horizon. Thus, Newman Drama is also an ideal fusion platform for performing artists and professionals from different background (coming together) to pass on their ‘craft’ to the next generation.
Newman Drama currently offers classes in KL, Klang Valley and Penang. We have classes in learning centres, kindergarten, local, private and international schools. For more classes details and locations, please refer to this page.
Do Like Us and check out our Newman Drama Facebook Page for recent activities. Or call us for more details.
Call: KL +(6012) 554-1557 [Ms Siew Yong] or Penang +(6012) 530-6018 [Ms Siew Siew]